From 11:59pm tonight Victoria will enter a 7-day circuit breaker lockdown, this means No Community Sport until the circuit breaker ceases.
Given we have had exposure sites within the region, AFL CV would recommend that training is cancelled tonight.
There will be five reasons to leave your home.
- Shopping for necessary goods and services,
- Authorised work or permitted education,
- Exercise, a 2-hour limit with one other person,
- Care giving, compassionate, and medical reasons
- The fifth reason why you can leave your home ... to get vaccinated
BJFL Fixture
As you can imagine, there has been a lot of time and effort put into the fixture behind the scenes, the aim was to publish the fixture by 28/5.
As changes are needed from the effects of not playing this weekend, the full fixture will not be published until next week (week ending 4/6).
Last Modified on 27/05/2021 12:27