2021 Junior Representative Trials - Local comp players BOYS Updated

We will be holding 2 Trials for Boys that play in our Local competitions and those who currently play for another association.

These sessions are not for current 2020 Spiders Representative players ( 2020 Rep players and train ons will be able to attend January Trials)

Girls Trials will commence in January

Those who currently play for another association must complete a Permission to Trial form and lodge to the following email: info@hkbaspiders.com.au  before attendng (form attached below)


Dates for Local comp and other association players: Sundays, 6th and 13th December

Times: u12 Boys 8.45am - 10.15 am (born 2010,2011 and 2012 only)

          u14 Boys 10.30 - 12noon

          u16 Boys 12.15 - 2pm

          u18 Boys 2.15pm - 4pm

Venue: St Leos College Light of Christ centre ( end of Yardley ave Waitara)

Cost: $40 (Dec trials, payable when registering)

Online Registration click here


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