Basketball Gala Days for your school

We invite schools in the Hornsby region to participate in one of three upcoming Basketball Gala Days (subject to school term 3 restrictions introduced 17 August, being eased for school term 4).

These days are a great experience, with everyone playing basketball games in a friendly atmosphere, where results are not the priority, but entire team involvement being the ultimate fun.

This is the perfect opportunity for your some of your newer students to basketball to “have a go” and enjoy the fun of playing with their friends against children from other schools.

Travel is minimized as all games are played at the Brickpit Sports Stadium in Thornleigh. This is a fantastic indoor venue central to all schools involved with the possibility of sharing transport means.

Teams are made up of students from school year 3-4 boys, 3-4 girls, 5-6 boys and 5-6 girls, with games played from 8:45am to 2:45pm. Your school can choose to participate on one of three days this year:

Friday 13th November (games start 8.45am and finish by 2.45pm)
(smaller day – 2 courts to midday then all courts for rest of games on this day)

Tuesday 17th November (games start 8.45am and finish by 2.45pm)
(all 4 courts for games on this day)

Wednesday 25th November (games start 8.45am and finish by 2.45pm)
(all 4 courts for games on this day)

To participate in one of our gala days or for further information contact us today.

P: 9980 6255



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