Basketball Clinics for your school
All you need is a basketball court or alternative (e.g. netball court or hard surface area), with our coaches running Basketball Australia’s Aussie Hoops primary schools program.
………..and there’s more we can do for your school…..
We have opportunities for students to:
- play weekly basketball games in our after school competitions
- attend our school holiday basketball camps
- learn the skills and how to play in our range of skills classes
- form teams to play in PSSA and school knockout competitions
- learn how to referee games and make some extra pocket money
We can assist teachers and children’s parents by:
- conducting basketball coaching courses and educational clinics
- training your school knockout teams
- providing coaching resources and support for your team coaches
- linking your school into our Spiders Representative program opportunities
To organise basketball for your school or for further information contact us today.
P: 9980 6255
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