2020 Juniors Bouncers

Junior Bouncers Registrations are now OPEN for 2013/14 Players

Please use the link below to register for the 2020 ABA Junior Bouncers.





Birth Years 2013 & 2014 Only
ABA is pleased that we are making some alterations and changes to the Junior Bouncers process and also going with online registrations for Season 2020.
Registrations will open from Monday 31st August 2020 to Friday 25th September 2020. The link to the online registration form will be uploaded on Monday to our Website. No paper registration forms will be taken on the Skills Day.
Once registrations are closed on Friday 25th September, then the Junior Bouncers Coordinator will formulate teams from the registrations that we have received. We are hoping to cap each team at 8 players to allow for more player involvement during both skills session and game play. All teams will potentially include both boys and girls. Teams will be announced either prior to Skills Day or on the day, where we will call for each team to have a Team Coach and Team Manager for the season ahead.
No late registrations will be accepted after closing date.
Due to previous seasons popularity and growth, we will potentially be doing Junior Bouncers on either a Monday or Friday, or both nights depending on registration numbers. Playing times both nights will be 3.20pm - 4.20pm.
Cost $110.00 per player for the season. Bank details will be on the online form.
This includes a $10 deposit on the hire of a Uniform top, with the $10 refundable when the uniform top is returned to ABA by your team manager. Also included will be a basketball for each player to bring with them each game day
Birth Certificates If you are a new Junior Bouncer for 2020, please ensure to bring with you your child's original Birth Certificate or Australian Passport to be sighted on Skills Day on Saturday 17th October 2020.
Junior Bouncers Skills Development Clinic
Date: Saturday 17th October 2020 @ LLC
Time: Birth Certificate's 9-10am
Clinic 10am-12pm
Co-ordinator Narelle Alstad
Attendance at the Skills Development is compulsory as it is apart of the program for the season.


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