Notice of AGM
The Albany Basketball Association would like to invite current members to this year's Annual General Meeting.
The Meeting will be held 6:30pm at Centennial Stadium Meeting Rooms (153/143 Lockyer Ave, Albany, WA, 6330) on the 20th of August 2020.
Nominations for Executive Committee Members are now being requested and are required by Close of Business on the 6th of August.
The appointment of these positions will be for a term of 2 years. Nominations after this date will only be accepted on the evening of the AGM IF no previous nominations for these positions have received by the due date.
Please complete the attached Nomination form including the Nomination Support Statement (completed by a current member supporting your nomination) and return to the Secretary before the due date.
Positions available for nomination are:
4 x General Committee Members
Please note you must be a financial member to nominate, only nominate for one of the above positions and also must be a financial member (over 18years of age) to vote at the AGM. Players from the 2019/2020 season are considered financial members.
The Meeting Agenda and nominees will be forwarded to members closer to the event.
Kind regards
Cheryl Ward
ABA Secretary (
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