Spider Skills at home workout video 6
This week's video focus is again on footwork, with the skills points for you to work on when completing this being:
- Use of jabs to move defenders (short and quick step)
- Maintaing stance and balance pushing left to right (and also backwards)
- Quick foot replacement and bringing the ball to your shot position
- Quick ball "rips" and pushing off your back foot driving to the basket
Again thanks to Spiders Rep Coach Ben Fricke for the design and ongoing production of these weekly clips (editing raw footage, adding titles, special effects and content text).
click here for video link (facebook)
click here for video link (instagram)
See the attached PDF checklist attached to use during your session as you move through the skills, ticking off each one as you complete the workout.
Each week a new video and checklist will be posted for you to try. Have some fun with these Spiders skills and send us clip of yourself working out.
Let's keep balling spiders community.
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