HKBA Board Update

When can we get off the bench and check back in?
Once the Social Distancing and gathering number restrictions are eased, Council and Schools are able to reopen their venues, our staff have put together some plans to get us back on court as safely as possible.  Our priority is Domestic Junior and Senior Competitions in a format that meets the government restrictions and keeps all our community safe.

What Defense are we running?
With help from the CMO of Basketball Australia, the BNSW COVID Taskforce and our staff we have are building a set of infection mitigation requirements to ensure the safety of our community.  This will include things like, entry and exit plans, spectator limits, 3x3 options, half court options, hand sanitization when subbing in, regular basketball cleans just to name a few.

What’s our offensive set look like?
The HKBA might not have control of our venues, but this does mean our expenses are low and we are in an excellent position to remain financially stable once this is over.  We’ve been able to keep our full time and casual staff employed and working thanks to the JobKeeper program.  Everyone have projects they are working on to put us in a position of strength when we restart regular operations.

When can we go back to trying to be the GOAT?
BNSW is constantly updating plans to restart the Representative Season based on the same restrictions we are under.  They do intend to have a season in some format this year.  We will keep you posted as we find out more and actual dates are released.

Are we watching tape after this game is finished?
The Board has been communicating daily, and the staff are constantly updating us on where they are at with their projects.  We have definitely identified areas we can improve on and will be working on making changes once we are out of this crazy period.

The Rules have changed:
No one was prepared for this, but everyone has adapted.  All we can do is learn and get better.

Please stay safe, stay healthy, stay positive, and stay connected.


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