Following a CLFA meeting tonight of all associations connected with the Country Championships we regrettably inform all our parents and players that the 2020 Country Championship to be held in Geelong over the Queens Birthday weekend has been officially cancelled.
However, there is some good news to impart and that it was also unanimously agreed that Geelong will host again in 2021.
We understand their has been some concern and confusion around why it has taken so long to come to this decision in the current climate and we thank you all for your patience whilst we navigated our way through this.
We would like to give you a brief background to this decision and why we have taken some time to make a formal announcement. As you will be aware this is a competition that affects clubs, players and parents across the state of Victoria and we have had to consider all those participating, not just those in our region.
Wednesday March 25th
An Emergency Geelong Organising Committee Meeting was called involving all representatives following the escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic. At this meeting it was proposed that due to the COVID-19 situation and the affect on grassroots football. The 2020 Country Championships should be cancelled.
This proposal was to be put to a motion at the CLFA and FV meeting on Thursday March 26th.
Thursday March 26th
At the CLFA/FV meeting attended by representatives from clubs and associations across the state, it was unanimously agreed that the 2020 tournament should be cancelled. Due to the number of families that had already secured accommodation and paid deposits it was agreed that the 2021 Country Championship location should be confirmed before any announcement. This would enable those families that had accommodation booked to seek a deferral as opposed to a cancellation.
The motion was passed that GRFC (Geelong) had 10 business days to contact major sponsors/councils and clubs to see if it would still be able to rely on the sponsorship that was promised in 2020 be deferred to 2021. Without this the Geelong region would not be in a position to host.
2 amendments to the competition were proposed and passed without objection.
The 2021 competition would include (for 1 year only) a Boys U17 competition, This would give those players selected in their final year squads in 2020 an opportunity to take part in 2021.
The U16 Girls competition would also allow for U17 age players to play in the team in 2021.
Thursday April 2nd
The Geelong Organising Committee, headed by Diana Murase, held a further meeting and conversations with sponsors, council and clubs to discuss the feasibility of Geelong hosting in 2021.The outcome was dependant on confirming if our Major Sponsor was on board again for 2021, if City of Greater Geelong were supportive and if the host clubs had the capacity to still host the event.
Monday April 6th
At the GRFC delegates meeting, 2020 tournament director Diana Murase confirmed that this year’s major sponsor Geelong Port where happy to support next year, and that council and host clubs were supportive.
It was proposed to the delegates that Geelong once again host the Geelong Port Country Championships in 2021. This motion was passed unanimously.
Diana Murase confirmed that she was stepping down as Tournament Director so this position will be advertised.
GOFC were once again endorsed to represent the GRFC and deliver the football program in 2021.
Thursday April 9th
Ten business days after the initial CLFA / FV meeting Geelong confirmed that they would like to host the 2021 tournament and this was approved by all regional areas.
Whilst we are bitterly disappointed for everyone involved this year to be able to host again in 2021 is a fantastic result for our region and we will once again have football back on the map.
What does this mean for Geelong?
The 2021 tournament will be held in Geelong on the Queen’s Birthday Weekend at both Geelong Rangers Soccer Club and Geelong Soccer Club.
Any families who have booked accommodation should look to defer their booking to 2021.
All Players will be required to trial again in 2021 for their respective age groups.
There will be an additional boys U17
Girls U16 age group will be extended to include girls who are 17.
Anyone who has already paid a registration fee will receive an email and get a full refund
If in the remainder of this year the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted sufficiently, GOFC will work with other regions to see if we can organise some games for the squads that were selected this year.
All players selected for the Geelong Squads this year will receive a commemorative pin.
Mike and Pete would like to thank all the coaches and assistants that have given up their time to run trials and most of whom have chosen to forego any payment in light of the cancellation and have agreed to coach again next year.
We would like to thank the players for taking part and giving 100% in the trials. They are a credit to you all.
To the clubs who enabled us to use their grounds for trials free of charge. Welook forward to your support again next year.
And finally, we would like to acknowledge the tremendous effort by Lisa and Richard Brooks and Simon Wrench who were the faces behind the GOFC email this year. We couldn’t have done it without you.
We will be back bigger, better and stronger next year for the best Country Championship so far……...
We wish you all a Happy Easter
Stay well, Stay safe and stay home
Yours in Football
Pete Bradley and Mike Chapman
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