Football Victoria Working Arrangements – March 20 to April 14

Football Victoria Working Arrangements – March 20 to April 14

As a result of the evolving COVID-19 situation, we advise that everyone at Football Victoria (FV) is transitioning to working remotely, effective from the close of business today, Friday 20 March.

While we are not aware of any FV staff having a confirmed case of COVID-19, we are taking this step to support the health and well-being of our staff and the community around us.

Although we are working remotely, it will be business-as-usual in terms of our service to football in Victoria.

We are well-prepared for remote working and we are providing support to our staff to continue working productively with each other and our stakeholders.

Your FV contacts will remain accessible via email and phone and the FV switchboard will remain open during normal business hours, however the Reception and Office will be closed throughout this period.

Our facilities at Knox and Darebin will also be closed during this time.

Our website,, will contain all relevant updates regarding our position on the situation concerning COVID-19.

Working remotely will continue provisionally until Tuesday 14 April and we will continue to review our position as the situation evolves.

We appreciate this is a difficult time and we thank you for continuing to work together to minimise the risks presented by COVID-19.

Kind Regards, 

The FV Team



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