Football Victoria is excited to announce the 2020 Geelong Trial Session and Talented Player Programs

In 2020 Football Victoria will offer a variety of Talented Player Programs aimed to provide multiple opportunities for the identification and development of Victorian boys and girls.

The programs offered will include the Geelong Talent ID Camps in School Holidays (U9-U12 Mixed) Geelong Talent Identification and Development Centre (TIDC) Program (U13-U14 Mixed) and opportunities to train in Metro Based TIDC (U13 Girls, U15-U16 Boys). 

For relevant age groups the programs will form part of the identification, development and selection Victorian representative squads (U14-U16).

Please see the trial details below:

Day & Date: Monday the 17th of February

Venue: Leisuretime Sports Centre

Time: TBC based on age group numbers by Friday the 14th of February Please register via the link below by Thursday the 13th of February:

Geelong TIDC Trial Form

Players who are not selected after the first trial can still be identified throughout the year and invited to trial throughout the duration of the program.

If you have any further queries, feel free to contact us on



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