Official opening of the Lara United FC pavilion
The City of Greater Geelong has contributed $850,000 to the project, which has ensured the creation of female-friendly change rooms, a kitchen, first aid room and new social space.
The State Government also set aside $100,000 to make the upgrades happen.
Construction has now wrapped up, with Lara MP John Eren joining club president Aaron Pettman for the official unveiling on Saturday.
With them was Windermere Ward councillors Anthony Aitken and Kylie Gryzbek.
"This means that our female players don't have to change in the car park, they don't have to change in front of the players box," Ms Gryzbek said.
"This means we can attract more females to player football at Lara."
This sentiment has been mirrored by Mr Aitken, who says Lara is a key area to invest in.
"The great thing that I enjoy about it is that it also [caters for] all abilities, so it's a really inclusive opportunity for the broader community,' he said,
"That's why we love it as councillors."
Picture: Lara MP John Eren, Lara United soccer club president Aaron Pettman and COGG councillors Anthony Aitken and Kylie Gryzbe
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