Cyclones Girls Squad Announcement

Congratulations to the following players who have been selected in the Cyclones Girls squad.

Big thanks to Coach Rod, Coach Jason and Coach Jo for helping Courtney and Monica out during the trials. It was absolutely awesome to see so many keen young athletes trying out, all of the girls worked hard during the trials and it is exciting and encouraging to see that we have so many young girls coming through.


3 Maia Ah Sam

12 Kleo Crawshaw
12 Olivia Dean
16 Maisie Davis
22 Samantha Flanagan
48 Zoe Kurnoth
53 Amy List
63 Sierra McQueen
74 Bella Perkins
76 Julie Pollen
77 Cecily Rankin
80 Tyrah Raymond
87 Emily Smyth
89 Faith Solo
102 Tiana Taurima
99 Jordan Tremlett
94 Teina Tuhi
106 Shakoda Watson
113 Tristina Winunguj


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