Coach Dave Gonyea (USCAA Hall of Fame Coach) is bringing to Australia a group of Mustangs Basketball players who will be in Darwin to deliver a coaching clinic, recruit potential players and share some college experience and advise with interested people.
The training clinic is aimed at Div 1 Players or Players that want to improve their game...3 day clinic...25 spaces will be available for each session from each club.
Tuesday 3rd - Thursday 5th July 2018
Session 1 - 9.00am - 11.00am U10 & U12 Boys and Girls
Session 2 - 12 noon - 2.00pm U14 & U16 Boys and Girls
Session 3 - 3.00pm - 5.00pm U18 years and over Boys & Girls
Early Bird Registration $110.00 before June 1st
Registration from June 1st $120.00
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