NEWS: Big plans in store for Walking Football program in Geelong

PLANS are in the pipeline to develop a fully fledged competition for the Walking Football program in Geelong, as well as the formalisation of a new association to administer and promote the more slower, social version of the popular round ball game.

A concept that was initially developed in England and is believed to have been first trialled in Australia at Geelong’s own Leisuretime Centre two years ago, Walking Football has the potential to become a major program offering an alternative recreational activity and avenue for sporting participation for all ages, genders and fitness levels.

After a long dormancy period, the program was brought back to life earlier this year in March at Steampacket Gardens on Geelong’s Waterfront. Administered by Leisure Networks and coordinated with the assistance of Geoff Briggs from the Drysdale Soccer Club, some old faces and several new ones began rebuilding the program once a week during the warmer months and did so right up until daylight savings finished and the colder weather set in.

According to program coordinator Michael Condy from LeisureNetworks, as a result of the initial success a new indoor venue was required to continue the program.

“The outdoor program finished on the first week of April with the Easter holidays following soon afterwards. The weeks that followed were full of enquiries to various indoor venues in order to cater for the program long term.

“BVAC (Barwon Valley Activity Centre) in Belmont was secured as a venue. The space was renovated and marked and new goals purchased,” Condy said, adding that the program began with a handful of participants over the initial period.

“The program has slowly gained momentum and the numbers have started to increase. We are now at the stage of making key decisions with regards to its ongoing development.

“One of those is the concept of Female Walking Football, which was recently piloted and attracted a fantastic turnout of about 12 participants. We are currently seeking expressions of interest for daytime female specific sessions and we hope to launch them as early as September.

“In addition to that, we are looking at setting up proper competitions, as well as maintaining the current social evenings on a Monday.

All ages and abilities are welcome to participate in this social form of the game which is more inclusive and unique to any other and has great social and physical health benefits, as it is less stressful on the body than any other form of football. We welcome everyone to come down for a casual kick,” concluded Michael Condy.

The Mixed age and gender Walking Football social session is held every Monday night (except public holidays) 6pm to 7pm at the Barwon Valley Activity Centre (BVAC) in Belmont. Cost is just $4 per person.


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