NEWS: Galaxy and Rangers send junior teams to Skill Acquisition Program Gala Day

GEELONG clubs Galaxy United and Geelong Rangers both fielded junior teams at the first Skill Acquisition Program (SAP) Gala Day for 2017, which was held at the Darebin International Sports Centre last weekend.

The first SAP Gala Day for the year was conducted over the weekend with more than 50 affiliated PlayStation®4 NPL Victoria and Community teams, ranging in age from U9 to U12 boys and girls, involved in the two day event.

The emphasis of the Gala Day was to allow players to apply the skills that had been the focus of the first two months of the program in a number of Small Sided Games and served as an opportunity for coaches to assess how much players had improved in that time against other SAP teams.

No results or eventual winner was named, reinforcing the ethos of the event, ensuring players, coaches and parents focus on the ability of an individual to attempt to implement the fundamental skills of the SAP.

Renowned local coaching identity and Rangers’ stalwart Mike Chapman was involved in taking a small Boys’ squad to Darebin on Saturday and was impressed with what he saw.

“From a club development point of view it was a measure of where we are at, compared to NPL clubs and their SAP programs. I was pleasantly surprised when we more than held our own against strong Metro NPL clubs like Richmond and Whittlesea and Country NPL club Bendigo. 

“For most of our players this is the first year that they have intensively worked with the SAP curriculum over two sessions per week and the results are starting to show.

“Our players certainly enjoyed the day and are already looking forward to the next gala days scheduled before the end of the season. As the only boys SAP registered club in Geelong this year, the response from our opponents on the day was positive about our quality of soccer played.

“When I addressed our squad after our final game on the Saturday afternoon, they all agreed that had they learnt a lot from playing against quality opposition, which they wouldn't have played against otherwise,” Chapman concluded.

FFV Skill Acquisition Head Coach Anthony Frost said the event reflected well on the coaching done by clubs to educate players.

"The quality of play and creativity shown by such young players was clear to see and is testament to the work done by coaches and clubs to date," Frost said.

The clubs and teams that have signed up for the program have all received guidance to support the development of their players in the form of a structured season plan/syllabus designed by the Head of Skill Acquisition at FFV.

Each week within the syllabus has a specific focus with all of the sessions for the week and entire program provided.

Players also are given access to an online portal to that contains videos focusing on a weekly home skill or ball mastery technique, encouraging players to work on their game away from formal training.

"As these SAP clubs can start to see, the more players that have the basic techniques required of players who perform at the highest level, the better for the game and the development of their own club in the future," Frost said.

To see all the photos from the big day, click on the following link:

Information on the program and clubs currently involved can be found here:


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