Reminder that part 2 of team affiliations for the 2017 season are due Tuesday 31st January
Affiliating with The League is a two-part process.
Part 2 of the Affiliation Form is due to be returned to The League by no later than 5:00pm on Tuesday 31st January. Download this form at the link below.
Send To:
Tess Baxter c/- SAWFL
Post: 1a Meyer Street, Torrensville SA 5031
Fax: (08) 8443 8222
Clubs should also refer to the Guide to Starting a Female Team, which is relevant to both new and existing clubs, as it provides an overview of the SAWFL competitions, age requirements, fees, insurance, funding opportunities, links to key policies and procedures, and more.
For general information regarding the 2017 SAWFL Division structure or if you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact;
Tess Baxter
Club Development Officer
Channel 9 Adelaide Football League
Phone: (08) 8443 8999
Last Modified on 30/01/2017 14:14