NOTICE: Club Help website a valuable resource tool for GRFC clubs

CLUB Help is an online resource tool that has been developed as a "one stop shop" for local sporting clubs. It is a website that has been a long term project supported by the Department of Planning and Community Development. This project has been driven by the Geelong based Leisure Networks, the Barwon Sports Assembly for the wider Geelong region with the support of staff across the Regional Sports Network Victoria (RSNV) network.

The RSNV is the peak body which supports nine independent Regional Sports Assemblies across regional Victoria. Regional Sports Assemblies were established in 1983 and have had a long history of supporting the sport and recreation groups within their regional catchment.

Regional Sports Assemblies are unique to Victoria and provide a range of support services including:

Direct support and advice to clubs:

In the years of inception provision of Incorporation advice to clubs was a priority. Presently this type of support involves consultation, advice, support and education around a range of club issues as well as the provision of information about new opportunities. This is delivered through multiple means including Club Network meetings, workshops, e- and web based services and training, and direct contact with clubs.

· Supporting State and National Projects:

Since their establishment RSA(s) have been recognised and utilised as an effective conduit between state and national programs and grass root sport. In their infancy, RSAs were a major player in the delivery of Aussie Sport, Sportsfun, Active Australia club initiatives, coach accreditation programs, state sporting body programs and initiatives. This continues to be a major function for RSAs with, in more recent times, Access for All Abilities, Good Sports, PICSAR and Healthy Sporting Environments projects taking advantage of the RSAs capacity to work and build partnerships locally.

· Building Networks and Partnerships: 

A significant function of all RSAs is to create partnerships and networks to support sporting clubs to build their membership, manage themselves well, adapt to changing demographics, become more inclusive, involve people with a disability and so forth. These networks also serve as a significant asset to regional, state and national stakeholders for the delivery of their programs and initiatives at a local level.

Some of the resources available on the Club Help website that may prove helpful to clubs include assistance or advice on fundraising, governance, volunteers, welcoming new members, providing a healthy environment for players, supporters and visitors etc.

To access the Club Help website, click on the following link...


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