NOTICE: Lara United withdraws from Men's Masters' League

UNFORTUNATELY, the Geelong Region Football Committee (GRFC) and Football federation Victoria (FFV) would like to advise that Lara United FC has withdrawn from the Men’s Masters Over 35s league and the fixture for this competition has been altered as a result.

Specific changes to this fixtures that have been made today are:

  • Round 1 & 2: Results involving Lara United FC have been removed;
  • Round 3 this weekend: Barwon Heads SC now have a BYE and their game originally against Lara United FC tomorrow night will not go ahead;
  • Round 4 onwards: all fixtures have been redrawn to reflect a 6-team league;
  • Catch-up Round 1 (Sunday 1 May): games involving Bell Park SC and Barwon SC, and Elcho Park Cardinals FC and Corio SC have been removed to ensure all teams play 17 fixtures;
  • Fixtures from Round 5 are subject to change and FFV will confirm any necessary changes as soon as possible once Rounds 4-18 are also confirmed as clash-free;
  • All teams now play either 9 home and 8 away, or 8 home and 9 away fixtures. All teams also play each other either 3 or 4 times.

Please ensure club members recheck their fixtures.

These changes have been implemented and will update online shortly, to view the fixtures please click HERE.


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