NEWS: Seven-a-side charity football tournament to aid burnt down Norlane Church

A NORTHERN suburbs based Christian organisation is organising a Charity 7-a-side football tournament on the Labour Day weekend to raise funds for a burnt down Chruch in Norlane.

Late last year, on the 5th of December, the St Peters Chains Christian Church in Sparks Road, Norlane, was the subject of a malicious arson attack, which left the church building burnt to the ground.

Dale Harris is a well known member of the Geelong football community and a member of the St Peters Chains congregation

“As some of you might be aware that there were vicious fire attacks on local churches last year,” said Harris.

“What most won’t know is that these churches have lost everything, including premises which were burnt down to the ground as well as everything the church owned such as computers, band equipment, sound systems etc.

“We are calling on all Geelong soccer families to aid us in trying to get the church up and running once more by entering a team in a 7-a-side-tournament that will be held at Stead Park (which Geelong Soccer Club was extremely kind to offer their grounds for the day) on Sunday the 13th of March.”

Registrations will commence at 8am on the day, with the first game expected to kick-off at 9:00am sharp.

The tournament will cater for Mixed gender teams and is intended to be a community/social event, with the focus on fun and participation.

“Could all clubs please pass on this message, especially to those with Sunday league teams, as we are aware that the Saturday boys are in full swing preparing for the season ahead.

“Trophies will be provided for the finalist, top goalscorer and player of the day. If you are keen, your support will be greatly appreciated. Thank you,” concluded Dale Harris on behalf of the organisers.

For all enquiries, please contact Dale Harris via email at


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