NEWS: High profile local businesswoman elected new Chairperson of Geelong Region Football Committee
THE future strategic direction of football in Geelong received a major boost this week when high profile local businesswoman, Jo Plummer, was elected Chairperson of the Geelong Region Football Committee (GRFC) at the organisation’s Annual General Meeting on Monday night.
Photo: Jo Plummer, the new Chairperson of the Geelong Region Football Committee (GRFC)
Jo, who will serve as the GRFC chairperson for the next two years, is one of the highest profile female business people in Geelong. She is currently the Chairperson of the Barwon Water Board and is also a Director and part-owner of Business in Heels International, a global women’s networking organisation with over 30 branches across eight countries.
Jo, who has a strong commercial background having held senior roles in buying and product development, business and merchandise planning and strategic design with well-known retail brands for over twenty years, comes from a strong football background.
“I have been on the soccer field as a daughter, player, girlfriend, wife and now mother,” explained the new GRFC Chairperson, who becomes the first female to hold the top spot of the local football body which covers the entire Greater Geelong region.
“It has been a great privilege to coach in the junior ranks for 8 years across junior outdoor and futsal leagues and contribute to club development. I hope my best contribution is yet to come!
Despite the fact that last year the Geelong region recorded a higher growth rate in football participation numbers (16.88%) than the state and national averages (13 and 7% respectively), the new GRFC Chairperson hopes to bring to the Geelong region a ‘greater appetite to think big!’
“Geelong is synonymous with sporting success and with the fantastic participation and cracking talent we have in the region, we have an unprecedented opportunity to leave Victoria, and indeed the country, in no doubt that Geelong is at the forefront of player, coach, and regional development,” Jo stated.
Jo Plummer’s corporate specialisation lies with strategy development and implementation, business improvement initiatives and managing change. She holds a Master′s of Business Administration, a Graduate Diploma in Retail Management and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Joining Jo on the new GRFC Board will be Deputy Chairman, Paul Rawson, from the Drysdale Soccer Club.
According to Paul, as a soccer community the Geelong region needs to be both focused and strategic to really make the most of the opportunities that are presenting themselves to the fast growing sport.
“I think the game in our region is experiencing some incredible growth and opportunities at the present time,” he explained, then added, “It is certainly an exciting time to be part of the team that will help to bring this together.”
Paul has played and coached in both the UK and Australia and has been heavily involved in the development of the Drysdale Juniors and the initiation of the Drysdale Sporting precinct. Paul brings not only strong sporting experience but also professional experience in governance, strategy and finance.
For more information, contact the FFV’s Geelong Region Administrator Tonci Prusac on 0402 012 716 or email
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