The SAWFL 2015 Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 3rd December 2015, 6:00pm in the Function Room at Thebarton Oval, 1 Meyer Street, Torrensville.
As per the Constitution, “a quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall consist of not less than 10 percent of registered members (not including members of the SAWFL Board)”.
In order for there to be a quorum, each affiliated club must have more than ten (10) percent of its 2015 membership in attendance at the AGM. Please ensure that your club president, delegate/s, coaches and captains, and any other interested parties who play a significant role in your female football team/s are in attendance. Any club not having more than ten (10) percent of its membership in attendance may result in that club being fined an amount to be determined by The League.
New clubs that have recently affiliated for 2016 are welcome to attend but are not entitled to vote and are not required to have a particular percentage of their membership in attendance.
See at the bottom of this page the following items for your information and review prior to the AGM.
- SAWFL AGM Agenda 2015
- SAWFL AGM Minutes 2014
- SAWFL Financial Statements for 2014/2015 Financial Year - Income and Expenditure Statement and Balance Sheet
Please ensure that your club members review these documents prior to the AGM.
Please note that again this year, the contents of the SAWFL Annual Report will be included in the SAAFL Annual Report, and this report will be available in due course.
At the AGM, member clubs will be asked to vote on a motion to dissolve the SAWFL Board in its current form and instead accept the Channel 9 Adelaide Football League (CH9AFL) Board as the ruling body for the SAWFL. Please find at the bottom of this page a letter from SAWFL Chairperson, Mark Johnstone, which will provide some background to this motion.
The SAWFL 2016 By-Laws (as at 20th November 2015) can also be found at the bottom of this page, with amendments and additions from 2015 highlighted in yellow. The By-Laws can be altered, rescinded or added to at any time by the SAWFL Board or at an Annual General Meeting. The League will publish the 2016 By-Laws following the AGM and considering there are a variety of new and amended rules, we recommended that your members put adequate time aside to review the document prior to then. Any queries regarding the changes made to the By-Laws should come to The League via the club’s committee.
Last Modified on 20/11/2015 16:46