Geelong referee selected for Boys National Youth Championships in September
Football Federation Victoria is pleased to announce the four referees who have been selected for the Boys National Youth Championships to be played in Coffs Harbour in September. Of the quartet, one of those selected is a Geelong boy, 21-year-old Rhys Shelmerdine.
The other three referees selected include Luke Camilleri, Andrew Meimarakis and Brandon Smith.
“I’m pretty excited to be selected, but also a little surprised, to be honest,” Shelmerdine told the FFV Geelong website this week.
“Considering how many top quality guys there are in the talent pool, I’m really honoured to have been selected and to be in a position to showcase my abilities at such an important tournament.”
Shelmerdine, along with the other referees, is part of the FFV Talent Pool, which ensured a competitive selection process took place.
The FFV Referee Talent Pool was formed at the start of the current season - consisting of ten male and ten female referees - who have been given additional development and coaching as part of their selection into the program.
"I owe a lot to the referee group in Ballarat who taught me so much and now the guys in Geelong who have welcomed and supported me tremendously," added Shelmerdine.
According to the up and coming young referee from Geelong, the world is his oyster.
“I would like to one day referee in the A-League and possibly officiate at FIFA international level, some time down the track. But that is still awhile off, let’s take it one step at a time,” concluded Rhys Shelmerdine.
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