TEAM Entry Registrations are now officially open both at the Leisuretime Centre and the Barwon Valley Activity Centre. Limited places are available so all prospective teams are asked to be quick. All team entries are to be completed online.

The decision to open up the registration system a month earlier than last year, has already reaped dividends with more than 20 teams having registered for various age groups and Futsal Geelong having received more than 50 team enquiries already.

Registration information and how to register will be available at the following website.....


           Each team must register separately and all details must be completed prior to grading matches. Teams may amend team player details at any time

           Grading matches will commence week of 28 September 2015 for 3 WEEKS (subject to change)

           Season matches will commence on 21 October 2015 (subject to change)

           Season Break (no matches) between 18 December 2015 – 10 January 2016

           Finals will be held in February 2016 (subject to change)

AGE GROUP COMPETITIONS (Venue: Leisuretime Centre)

           U7 (TBC)

           U9 Wednesday afternoon

           U11 Thursday evening

           U13 Friday evening

           U15 Friday evening

           U17 Thursday evening

AGE GROUP COMPETITIONS (Venue: Barwon Valley Activity Centre)

           U9 Friday afternoon

           U11 Friday afternoon

           U13 Thursday afternoon

           U15 Wednesday afternoon

           U17 Friday evening

Player Age Eligibility (LTC & BVAC)

           U9 competitions - players must be born in 2006 or later

           U11 competitions - players must be born in 2004, 2005 or later

           U13 competitions - players must be born in 2002, 2003 or later

           U15 competitions - players must be born in 2000, 2001 or later

           U17 competitions - players must be born in 1998, 1999 or later

*All age group competitions are subject to change in accordance to team entry demands and demographics. All team registrations require approval by Futsal Geelong. In the event that a registration has not been approved by Futsal Geelong or FFV, a refund of payment will be issued to the cardholder. For example, team entries are limited and are subject to availability within specific competitions. When a competition has been deemed full, completing a registration payment does not translate into automatic team entry into the competition.


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