Congratulations to the 2015 SAWFL Under 18 Girls Premiers, Salisbury FC, who defeated Morphettville Park in a nail-biting Grand Final at Adelaide Airport Stadium on 10th July!
As anticipated, it was a tightly contested game and with scores tied at 59 each at full time, the match went into overtime with Salisbury then scoring 10 more points to secure the win.
It was a fantastic game and we commend both teams on the spirit in which the game was played.
The Umpires had a difficult task deciding between two outstanding players for the Best on Ground medal. We congratulate Salisbury's Paige Allan who was awarded Best on Ground and Morphettville Park's Ebony Marinoff who was the Runner-Up Best on Ground.
Thank you to all of the officials, umpires and spectators for their involvement, and to the volunteers who made the night a great success.
Final Score: Salisbury 9.15.69 def Morphettville Park 8.11.59
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