KM Under 15's and Under 17's Named for 2015

Kapi Mana Under 15’s and Under 17’s have been named.

 Thank you to all the players who trialled over the weekend.  It was a great turn-out and everyone performed very well.  You made the job of the coaches and selectors very difficult.  Well done!

 If you were not selected this year, please do not let this put you off.  Play hard this year, learn as much as you can and we’ll see you back at trials next year!

 Congratulations to those who have made the squads.   Make the most of your selection – listen and learn and ensure you do your best, because as you know there are other players just waiting for an opportunity.

 Have a great 2015 season everyone!

 Rewards come with hard work and determination!

 Melissa Love

On behalf of the KM Rep Committee, Coaches and Managers