Masters Futsal
The Leisuretime Centre, Futsal Geelong & Football Federation Victoria (FFV) will have an upcoming Masters league available in two divisions: social, & experienced.
- 2 x 20 minute halves
- 5 players on the court per team – maximum 10 players per team
- Substitutions can be made at anytime without stopping the play (complete playing rules will be provided to all teams once registered)
- Indoor Stadium at the Leisuretime Centre, 262-282 Anakie Road, Bell Post Hill
- From 6:45pm Wednesday evenings
- Practice matches to COMMENCE on April 15, 2015
- Teams must first register through our booking system which includes FFV registration for the whole team (which covers the team’s insurance). This is a once off payment fee of $80.00 for the season.
- Once registration fee is completed, weekly games fees are $54 per team per game (payable at the centre).
Team Entry:
For more information in this exciting opportunity, email or alternatively phone (03) 5272 4990.
Last Modified on 17/04/2015 10:14
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