Financial Management Club Seminar
This FREE seminar is designed to assist club committee members to develop better financial literacy and to assist everyone to understand the club’s obligations, risks and best committee reporting measures. The panel of speakers includes Paul Robson, Crowe Horwarth and Harwood Andrews representatives.
This session is designed to assist Committee Members of local clubs to:
- Understand their roles and obligations around financial management and reporting.
- Improve committee members’ financial literacy including how to read and analyse financial statements
- Understand what reports and documents are required at committee meetings for good reporting
- Develop systems to reduce financial risk, particularly in the handling of cash
- Understand the Taxation obligations of the club and options for player payments.
The seminar will be held at the Deakin Cats Education Centre, Simonds Stadium. Enter via the Doug Wade Gate. Bookings are essential. Please book HERE
For more information please contact Zoe Sells at or on 5272 4756.
Last Modified on 02/04/2015 10:54
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