Jetts Fitness Gives Memberships

Football Federation Victoria [FFV] is delighted to announce major partner and Melbourne Victory Westfield W-league major sponsor Jetts Fitness has extended its partnership with FFV, in a significant sponsorship deal that will benefit NPL and WPL senior players and clubs in 2015.

As part of the extended partnership, Jetts Fitness will provide all senior rostered players in Victoria's premier competitions - up to 23 for NPL and up to 20 for WPL - with free season-long memberships they can use at any Jetts Fitness club in Australia and New Zealand.

"This deal is massive in terms of what it means for our clubs," FFV general manager of commercial and media Anthony Grima said.

"More than 1,000 players from 44 clubs across our top leagues will receive free memberships to one of Australia's most popular fitness clubs, and they'll be able to spend the season getting fitter, getting stronger, and becoming better footballers."

NPL and WPL players' passes will be organised by their respective clubs.

Jetts Fitness Victorian state director Tim O'Shea said he was pleased to have some of the best players in Australia, outside of the A-League and the W-League, getting stronger using his gym.

"It was an easy decision to extend our partnership with FFV, and to expand our dealings into the NPL," O'Shea said.

"With the NPL and WPL's emphasis on emerging growth, we're proud to say we're playing a role in developing the next generation of Australia's top footballers.

"We have locations all over both metropolitan and country Victoria, so we're making it easier and more convenient for these players to get stronger and fitter than ever."

Jetts Fitness is also offering special offers to players' family and friends to join a Jetts club at a discounted rate, with the referring player to receive a free extension to a year-long membership as an incentive.

As one of Australia's fastest growing fitness chains, Jetts Fitness operates more than 40 fitness clubs in Victoria, and more than 250 fitness clubs across Australia and New Zealand.


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