Join the Football West Media Team for 2015

Media team 2015

Football West News

Football West is seeking Match Reporters and Camera Operators to join the Media Team for the 2015 season.

Match Reporters are required to attend NPL WA, All Flags State League, BankWest Women’s State League and MySolar Sunday Leagues matches, conduct post-match interviews and provide accurate and interesting reports to deadline.

Reporters are required to have their own laptop and/or tablet and will be paid on a casual, match-by-match basis.

Camera Operators will be required to record entire matches, making note of the time of incidents and deliver footage to an allocated drop-off point within 12 hours of the match conclusion. Operators will be provided with FW video equipment and will also be paid on a casual, match-by-match basis.

Several positions are vacant and will suit enthusiastic, reliable and conscientious students and hobbyists.

Some training will be provided by media professionals.

For further information, or to be considered for either or both roles, email,  outlining your level of experience and indicating which role/s is of interest.


Comment Guidelines: The SportsTG Network is made up of players, families and passionate sports followers like you who have a strong opinion about sport. That's great - we want you to have your say and share your thoughts with the world. However, we have a few rules that you must follow to keep it fun for all. Please don't be rude, abusive, swear or vilify others. Apart from some pretty serious sport sanctions, we also can ban you and report you if things get out of hand. So play fair and have fun, and thanks for your contribution.

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