Multiple Coaching Courses to be run in February and March
Multiple coaching courses and workshops will be held in Geelong through February and March. The workshop and ALL coaching courses will be run at Howard Glover Reserve, Limebruners Rd, East Geelong, 3219.
The Role of a Coaching Co-ordinator Workshop will be held on 9 February, 2015 at Howard Glover Reserve from 6:30PM - 8:30PM. The workshop is targeted at all clubs in the Geelong region. The aim of the workshop is to focus on the key principles of good coaching, with the hope participants leave the workshop with some support and guidance on how to implement effective coaching at club level. The course will be run be Michael Cooper. Only 30 places are available. For more information, or to register, follow THIS LINK
The following coaching courses will be run:
Grassroots Football Certificate - 14 February, 2015 from 8:30AM - 11:30AM
The Grassroots Football Certificate is practically based and participants should prepare to be actively involved as a player throughout the course. The course is aimed at coaches training 5-9 year old players. The 3 hour course is fully practical and encourages the coach to develop practices that are based on FUN. The emphasis is on natural development i.e. learning by PLAYING football. No coaching but organising fun football exercises is the key to helping players build a love for the game. Only 30 places are available. For more information, or to register, follow THIS LINK
Skill Training Certificate - 15 & 22 February, 2015 from 8:30AM - 4:00PM, BOTH DAYS
The course manual should be downloaded prior to attending the course. The course is aimed at coaches training 9-13 year old players, or players deemed in the "Skill Acquisition Phase". In the Skill Acquisition Phase the coach MUST focus on building a solid foundation of technical skill. The course is fully practical and deals with the development of the 4 Functional Game Skills: First Touch, Striking the Ball, Running with the Ball and 1 v 1. There are only 30 places available. For more information, or to register, follow THIS LINK
Game Training Certificate - 1 & 8 March, 2015 from 8:30AM - 4:00PM, BOTH DAYS
Please download the course manual prior to attending the course. The course is aimied at coaches training 13-17 year old players, or players deemed in the "Game Training Phase". In the Game Training Phase the coach’s aim will be the development of tactical awareness, perception and decision making through a game related approach to training. The course is fully practical and provides the coach with training sessions designed to help the players apply the Functional Game Skills in a team setting using the FFA endorsed ‘1-4-3-3’ formation. There are only 30 available places. For more information, or to register, follow THIS LINK
Senior Coaching Certificate - 22 & 29 March, 2015 from 8:30AM - 4:00PM, BOTH DAYS
The course manual should be downloaded prior to attending the course. This course is aimed at coaches training players 17 and above, or players deemed in the "Performance Phase". In this phase the coach prepares the team for a competition environment where winning becomes the main aim. Training focuses on solving football problems, based on match analysis. Football conditioning also becomes a key part of the course. The course assists the coach by providing model sessions on solving football problems. Only 30 places are available. For more information, or to register, follow THIS LINK
Places are strictly limited, so register for your respective course before places run out.
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