The 2014 SAWFL Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday 15th December 2014, 6:30pm start, in the Function Room at Adelaide Airport Stadium, 1 Meyer Street, Torrensville.
As per the Constitution – “A quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall consist of not less than 10 percent of registered members (not including members of the SAWFL Board)”. In order for there to be a quorum, each affiliated club must have more than ten (10) percent of its 2014 membership in attendance at the AGM. Please ensure that your club president, delegate/s, senior and junior coaches and captains, and any other interested parties who play a significant role in your female football team/s are in attendance. Any club not having more than ten (10) percent of its membership in attendance may result in that club being fined an amount to be determined by the SAWFL Board.
Refer to the bottom of this page for the following items for your information and review prior to the AGM.
- SAWFL AGM Agenda 2014
- SAWFL AGM Minutes 2013
- SAWFL Chairman’s Report 2014
- SAWFL Treasurer’s Report 2014
- SAWFL Income and Expenditure Statement for the 2013/2014 Financial Year
- SAWFL Balance Sheet as at 31st October 2014
- SAWFL Constitution (As at 21st November 2014, amendments/additions highlighted in yellow)
- SAWFL By-Laws 2015 (As at 27th November 2014, important amendments/additions highlighted in yellow)
- 2014 SAWFL Members’ Survey Results Summary (individual club results have already been sent to clubs)
Members are to ensure that they review the documents at the bottom of this page prior to the AGM. It is recommended that members put adequate time aside to review the 2015 SAWFL By-Laws because it includes a variety of new and amended rules.
Please note that as a result of the partnership between the SAWFL and SAAFL, the contents of the 2014 SAWFL Annual Report will be included in the SAAFL Annual Report, and this report will be available in due course.
Five nominations were received for positions on the SAWFL Board and these are listed below. Given that the number of nominations has not exceeded the number of positions available, a vote on the nominations will not be required at the AGM, however there will be a vote to accept this group as the SAWFL Board.
- Mark Johnstone – Chairman
- Julie Wells – Director
- John Forbes - Director
- Narelle Smith – Director
- Rachel Staffin - Director
If you have any questions regarding the SAWFL AGM or the documents posted on this page, please contact:
Caitlin Brady
(08) 8443 8999
Last Modified on 03/12/2014 10:16