Surf Coast FC Coaching Positions Vacant
Surf Coast FC is currently undergoing a huge amount of growth as a club in relation to player number growth. Surf Coast are committed to developing coaches and players under the guidance of the National Curriculum. The club is passionate about the game and proud of our outstanding facilities. The aim is to provide safe and enjoyable experiences for everyone who wants to be part of the club.
Surf Coast FC's key principles are : ENJOY, RESPECT & UNITY.
The club has teams in all FFV Geelong age groups and senior men’s and women’s teams in the State competitions. The club has 3 pitches currently, 1 synthetic, 1 new ‘A’ league quality pitch and a third training pitch. All pitches have FFV approved lights and the highest quality facilities and rooms in the state. Surf Coast FC is improving the facilities and programs at every opportunity and seek people to be involved in our club that are innovative and open to new ideas and processes.
Surf Coast FC are seeking applicants for the positions of U/17 and U/12 Boys and U/14 Girls coaches to play in the FFV Geelong competition.
All coaches will be under the guidance of the new Coaching Co-ordinator Michael Cooper, who will be structuring the latest training programs and mentoring all coaches for season 2015.
Interested coaches send through details to Michael Cooper at meccooper@hotmail.comand he will be in contact to discuss the positions further.
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