Details for the 2014 AGM - Monday 24th November

Suncoast Clippers Basketball Association (MEBAI) would like to announce details of the 2014 AGM.

Date: Monday 24th November 2014
Time: 7.00pm
Venue: Suncoast Clippers Stadium - Meeting Room.

The Board invites and encourages all our members to attend and have a say in the running of the Association. Basketball on the Sunshine Coast is going through some significant and timely changes. Basketball in Australia is seeing increases in participation. The success to our Association is dependant on our members and the volunteers who put in endless hours for the benefit of the members. More hands make light work. If you can contribute in any way, please let us know. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the AGM to show your support for our future. 

Nominations are called for all vacating positions on the Board. Full details and nomination forms are attached:


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