North Geelong Warriors 2014 Summer Skill Acquistion Program (SAP)

SAP will be held at Howard Glover Reserve each and every Monday and Wednesday (boys) between 5pm – 6.30pm and each Wednesday(girls) between 5pm – 6.30pm commencing the week of Monday the 17th of November and concluding on Wednesday the 17th of December.


The SAP is a concentrated skill acquisition program that aims to develop the individual players in the four core skills of:


  • First Touch
  • 1 v 1 attacking/defending
  • Running with the ball
  • Striking the ball


Under the guidance of qualified SAP instructors, players will receive sessions that are planned, designed and geared towards to improving technique in the above mentioned core skills. All sessions are highly challenging and will be fun based.


All interested boys and girls wishing to trial for a place in the program are encouraged to register their interest first by following the instructions below.


Cost of the program for boys will be $100 per player including training kit. (10 sessions)


Cost of the program for girls will be $50 per player including training kit. (5 sessions)


Trial dates and times of the trials will be as follows:

Venue:             Howard Glover Reserve; Limeburners Rd. Eastern Gardens

Trial 1:            Thursday the 13th of November between 4:45pm and 6:30pm

Trial 2:            Saturday the 15th of November between 9am and 10:30am


Registration closes on Friday the 7th of November at 5pm


Please click on the link and proceed to Summer SAP registration:


Players will be notified via email on Saturday evening if they have been successful or not


Any queries please email Pete and Joe :



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