Tryouts are being conducted for the Upcoming Country Basketball League

Tryouts are being conducted for the Upcoming Country Basketball Season 2014/2015.


Player Eligibility

To be eligible to compete in the Country Basketball League, players need to have the following criteria covered: • A registered, financial, and current competing member of that Association in regular domestic competition.  • Currently competing: playing at least 50% of domestic games. The BVC Competitions Officer has the right to ask to sight score sheets to prove eligibility. 

Mens Team 

Will Be held on Wednesday 24/09/2014 at 6.30p.m. and Thursday 25/09/2014 at 6.30p.m at Shepparton Sport Stadium.

 Register your interest with Coach Leigh Bathman 0408563303


Womens Team

Will trial tomorrow night Friday 19/09/2014 at 6.00p.m. at the Shepparton Sports Stadium

Register your interest with Coach Chris Judd on 0419369007
Tony Long 0402 424 811 GSBA Manager Basketball - Everyones Sport!!!


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