All Abilities Futsal

The Barwon All Abilities Futsal program ran for 16 weeks during Term 2 and Term 3 on Saturday mornings at the Leisuretime Centre. The season was enjoyed by over thirty participants, which was made up of all abilities players, volunteers and support workers. Each week the group would meet and play a fun, social game of futsal. It was a chance for players to improve their soccer skills in an inclusive and friendly environment. Players were able to be part of a team each week, where they had the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.

Twenty-three all abilities players participated this season, making it the highest participation since the All Abilities Futsal began. The increase in players is due to a number of reasons including the majority of past players returning this year. Another key reason for an increase in participation was the Nelson Park Futsal Clinic that was run as part of the school’s Sports Day. The clinic was facilitated by two Football Federation Victoria SEDA students. This clinic resulted in five extra players joining the All Abilities Futsal.

"This year was the best so far" said Coach Paul Schoe from the Lara Soccer Club. Paul has been the all abilities coach for 5 years and thoroughly enjoys playing futsal with the all abilities group each Saturday morning. He was overjoyed with the numbers of players showing up week after week. With talk for next year about extending the season and running the program for three terms due to the great participation numbers.

Overall, a fantastic season had by all. Leisure Networks would like to extend huge thank you to Paul and the volunteers who assisted each week.



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