National Club Identity Policy

The policy has been developed after the Member Federations and FFA identified a need for ‎a national policy in regard to club names and identities, which will provide consistency and certainty across all jurisdictions..

FFA CEO David Gallop explained that the key principle of the National Club Identity Policy is to promote football as Australia’s most inclusive, accessible and multicultural sport.

“Football is now a part of the mainstream of Australian society and has achieved that status while also retaining its rich diversity,” said Gallop.

“The intent of the National Club Identity Policy is to ensure the game remains inclusive and accessible, not just in the way we organise ourselves, but in how we engage with the community.

“The very name and logo of a club sends a message about what that club stands for. We want clubs that stand for uniting people through the joy of football,” concluded Gallop.

For more information please follow THIS LINK


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