Drysdale to Enter Female Team
Drysdale Soccer Club are very excited to announce that they are entering a women's team into local competition in the 2014 season.
The club currently has around 11 experienced women's players training, so we are seeking some more interested females to come on board and have some fun in a very supportive and welcoming environment. No experience is necessary.
Please contact Steve D'Acunto on 0448 419 188 for further information. Drysdale will also be fielding 2 or 3 senior men's teams and several junior teams for both boys and girls in 2014.
Please contact Jarrod Galdman on 0431 215 722 for senior men's. Call Marti Bluml on 0408 109 647 or Paul Rawson on 0414 461 112 for junior team's.
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