2014 Skill Acquisition Foundation and Academy Selection
State rep players will only be selected from NPL clubs.
Relevant age groups: U13 Boys, U14 Boys; U13 Girls, U14/15 Girls
Player Selection Criteria:
- performance of the players in reasonable number of FFV games;
- potential of the player at the selection panel’s discretion, to perform well at the desired level;
- potential of the player, in the selection panel’s discretion, to play in the Hyundai A-League / Westfield W-League or above;
- ability of the player to perform football skills to a high level;
- adequate fitness and athleticism of the player,
- potential to be socially compatible and display a sense of “team ethic” within the squad/team
- receptiveness to coaching;
- commitment by the player to the FFV program requirements
- evidence of a positive attitude to training and commitment to becoming an elite football player;
- evidence of a desire to succeed in both football and personal development.
State team/Academy selections
Local NPL club in place:
Where there is a local NPL club, FFV will collaborate with NPL club in selection process locally, where possible, to identify potential State representative players.
FFV will ensure there is at least one independent FFV selector available for each regional NPL club trial for relevant age groups.
Where there is no NPL club, regional players will be selected through the processes outlined below:
Dates for selection trials for potential State reps will be circulated and are anticipated to be conducted in February/March
FFV selection panel will identify players to be invited into State programs and players will need to work within their local Academy program.
Academy program involvement
No NPL club:
Selection made in February through trial process.
No change from 2013 - players in U13 & U14 Country squads will train with Regional Academy program and play locally with their clubs and train every 3 weeks in the State program.
With an NPL club:
Players will be required to play for the local NPL club and attend State training as outlined at the commencement of the program, anticipated to be once every 3 weeks at a central venue. Local NPL club is encouraged to utilise Academy services for players personal development eg Nutrition, Goal setting, Strength and conditioning (Core stability and recovery).
NPL club in place:
Where necessary FFV will assist in identifying options for girls teams participating in Melbourne competitions or appropriate local competition, under the control of NPL club in preparation for 2015
No local NPL club:
Similar to Boys Under 13 & 14 Country for Under 13 girls country.
The U15 Girls age group will compete as a team in an FFV competition on a weekly basis, and regional players that have been identified for inclusion there will be a negotiated attendance as this group is a standalone State program. Players in this age group will be required to attend Regional Academy training where deemed necessary by the coach
Skill Acquisition Foundation Programs
Skill Acquisition Foundation Programs will operate in 2014, the variable will be whether it is conducted under the auspices of the selected NPL club or through FFV and the relevant Regional Academy.
NPL club in place:
SAP Foundations will be delivered under the auspices of the local NPL club and coaches will work in conjunction with Victoria's Skill Acquisition trainer, Ivan Jolic.
No local NPL club
SAP Foundation trials will be conducted and delivered through coordination and guidance of Victoria's Skill Acquisition trainer, Ivan Jolic.
NOTE: More specific information for all State programs will be made available by the end of January, 2014, but for more general information regarding selection please call Foddy Kyprian on 0424 016 311.
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