NPL confirmed in Victoria for 2014
FOOTBALL Federation Australia (FFA) has today confirmed that the National Premier Leagues (NPL) will be rolled out in Victoria next year as scheduled.
This follows agreement between FFV and its clubs on an NPL model to be applied and agreement to discontinue current proceedings in the Supreme Court of Victoria.
FFA CEO David Gallop has commended Football Federation Victoria (FFV) and its member clubs for the far-reaching agreement that sets new standards for elite club football in Victoria.
“The NPL is an integral part of our national elite player pathway and a hugely important reform of the semi-professional tier of Australian football,” Gallop said.
“FFV and its clubs have worked through many issues and agreed on an NPL model that’s now a benchmark nationally in many areas.
“Australia wants to be among the elite nations in Asia and beyond, and that means developing the next generation of stars. I’m delighted to say that Victoria will be at the forefront of that challenge.”
FFV Chairman Nick Monteleone said the NPL roll-out would have a positive impact on players, coaches and club development in Victoria.
"From the outset FFV embraced the need for change and welcomed the NPL reform process,” Monteleone said.
“Today we have the opportunity to implement policies that will help our elite players in both metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria, and at the same time help build stronger clubs.
“The time taken to reach this point has been worthwhile in finding an agreement for all stakeholders.”
Speaking on behalf of the clubs, South Melbourne chairman Nick Galatas welcomed the confirmation of the 2014 NPL roll out.
“The clubs have always wanted Victoria to be part of the NPL in 2014 and now we’ll apply for licences, work as quickly as we can to meet the criteria and get on with implementation,” Galatas said.
“The clubs are looking forward to being part of the NPL which promises to deliver outcomes that are in the best interests of football in Victoria.”
The model to be introduced in Victoria next year is consistent with the outcomes of the National Competitions Review and includes far-reaching reforms for Victorian football, including;
- NPL clubs to concentrate on elite player development under qualified technical directors and coaches
- New regional clubs to apply to join the NPL allowing young players outside the Melbourne metropolitan area to have access to elite football
- A Player Points System (PPS), which acts as an incentive to clubs to develop their own players
- A cap on registration fees for elite juniors
The formal licence assessment process will begin shortly and will be open to former applicants as well as FFV clubs that did not participate in the previous process.
Applications will be assessed by an independent panel including FFA representation against the model agreed by FFV and the clubs.
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