Barwon Heads Receive Grant
Excitement reigned at Barwon Heads on Tuesday morning as Victoria’s Minister for Sport Hugh Delahunty announced the State Government’s $100,000 contribution to a major upgrade of Barwon Heads Village Park, home of the Barwon Heads Soccer Club.
Cr Andy Richards also announced that the Greater Geelong Council would match this funding with a further $394,000 to complete the $494,000 project, which will include installation of irrigation, sports lighting and drought tolerant turf of the H Blythe Oval.
Barwon Heads Soccer Club representative James Ramage said the club’s junior program would benefit strongly from the upgrade, which would allow the club to expand its junior program.
Ramage also noted that the installation of lighting would enable the club’s teams to train at home at night for the first time since its foundation eight years ago.
In his announcement the Minister emphasised the community benefits of his government’s investment in sports facilities.
“A key objective of the Coalition Government is to build healthy and active communities,” Mr Delahunty said.
“To achieve this goal, we need quality community facilities that encourage local people to play the sports they love for many years to come.
"Our investment in these projects is part of our plan to build for future growth by developing more sustainable local venues that make a real difference to local people.
“These are just some of the ways we are delivering on the Coalition Government’s strategy to grow the economy, build infrastructure and contribute to the health and wellbeing of the state.”
FFV’s Government Relations Manager Maria Berry said that the success of Barwon Heads Soccer Club in attracting new youngsters to the sport was an important factor in the support it had achieved from Council and the State Government.
“To have attracted 105 SSF and junior players without being able to train under lights has been an incredible achievement and reflects the quality and commitment of this club”, she said.
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