Football Federation Victoria (FFV) has announced the members of the Victorian National Premier Leagues (NPL) assessment panel.

The NPL assessment panel will be led by highly respected Eugenie Buckley.  Eugenie is currently a director of Football Queensland and has held the following roles;  CEO, Brisbane Roar FC, CEO/Tournament Director, ICC Women’s World Cup Australia 2009, Senior Counsel, Legal and Business Affairs, International Cricket Council, General Manager, Legal and Business Affairs, Football Federation Australia, CEO, Australian Professional Footballers Association and FIFA and AFC Match Commissioner.

The other panel members are:

• Professor David Shilbury  - School of Management and Marketing Deakin University
• Ben Mannion - Chief Operating Officer Football Queensland who led the NPL process in that state.
• Robert Sherman  - Head of Coach Education, FFA
• Mitchell Murphy -  CEO, FFV.
FFV engaged an external consultant, David Osborn from Pelorus Solutions to assist it in developing the assessment process and his recommendations have been adopted by the FFV Board.
FFV CEO, Mitchell Murphy says the NPL is a major reform to the football landscape around Australia and here in Victoria.

“Unfortunately there have been recent media reports that suggest a boycott of the NPL including from some clubs that did not even put in an expression of interest," Murphy said.

“Despite these rumours, FFA and FFV are totally committed to Victoria’s NPL competition and I can categorically state that FFV will implement it in 2014.

“Currently we are working with many applicants including some on the so called ‘boycott list’ and I am more than confident that we will have a strong competition next year.

FFA CEO David Gallop said that FFA is satisfied that Football Victoria has followed the principles of the NCR.

“Each state and territory member federation has the opportunity to shape the NPL criteria to fit their own circumstances," Gallop said.

“FFA encourages all parties to work for the good of the game in Victoria. In any change process, issues will arise, but as we've seen in other states these matters can be best resolved without the intervention of FFA."

Murphy says that although he is only new to the role of FFV CEO he certainly understands the magnitude of effort and resources required to produce an NPL submission.

“Consequently, as has been the case from the outset, FFV has a transparent and open door policy and I and my staff are always available to discuss any concerns applicants may have and to offer assistance. As you know we have key staff in specific areas of the NPL Participation Criteria led by Tim Frampton, State Manager NPL,” he said.

The 2014 NPL will see the winning Victorian play its first round of finals against Tasmania. The FFA is also intending to offer awards to recognise the best  NPL competition top players, coaches and referees.

NPL applications close 5pm Friday 16 August and FFV looks forward to announcing Victorian NPL licences on 30 September.


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