2013 FFV Coaching Conference

FFV are pleased to announce the 2013 FFV Coaching Conference will be held on Saturday 26th October and Sunday 27th October 2013.

The conference will provide a valuable opportunity to: 

  •          Develop your coaching
  •          Network with your coaching colleagues
  •          Receive an update on the National Curriculum, and
  •          Listen, observe and interact with quality coaches and experts in their field

The conference will continue its focus on the National Curriculum, in accordance with long term athlete development and participation in Football. This year we will offer additional topics that were selected from your feedback from the 2012 conference.  To vote for one of these topics please visit our web site and the coaching conference page under coaching.

Coaches attending the conference will receive:

  •          Minimum of eight development sessions (combination of theory and practical)
  •          A coaches pack
  •          50 points for re-accreditation (Advanced coaches)
  •          Certificate of attendance
  •          Lunch, coffee/tea for both days
  •          Copy of conference materials
  •          Conference accreditation

For further information on the conference and how to register please follow the link below: http://www.footballfedvic.com.au/index.php?id=194

Please register early to avoid disappointment and promote this opportunity to your coaching colleagues.

Registrations close 16th October 2013.

FFV Coaching Conference registrations are now open, please  register via the FFV web site under the coaching menu and coaching conference page.


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