Zone Development Manager Visit in Kiribati
The purpose of visit is to conduct a coaching, administration and development work within a few schools in Kiribati in order to develop the skills for coaches and officials to enable them to conduct further development work within different clubs, schools and communities. Annie will spend one week in Kiribati. According to the flexible program, Annie will arrive on Thursday 18th July and pick up by NBDO. In the following days the program will start mostly in the afternoon at 5pm to 9pm and in the morning NBDO will work with her within schools and teachers. She will have chances to meet with upper ranking people such as Australian High Commisioner and the Ministry of Sport.
The Federation believe that in completion of the training course people of Kiribati who are the member of basketball will be accreditate as Level 0 and level 1 coaches and have abilities to run coahing in their clubs, school kids during holidays break.
Welcome to Kiribati Mrs Annie La Fleur, hope you will spend your time with us comfortably.
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