Rabbit Baiting at Lara Recreational Reserve

The City of Greater Geelong recommends that animals should be restrained and not allowed to roam at Lara Recreational Reserve during and after the baiting period. The baiting process will take place from Monday 6 May until Monday 10 June, 2013 and the effects of the baiting period will remain for the next couple of months.

Baits of chopped carrot, treated with anticoagulant poison “PINDONE” will be laid by a Department of Primary Industries’ licensed contractor in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions.  Any carrot pieces observed, or rabbits found either alive or dead in these reserves should not be handled.

Animals may be at risk if they ingest the poisoned baits or rabbit carcasses.  If you suspect this has occurred and you notice unusual or uncharacteristic behaviour contact your local veterinarian. Vitamin K1, which is available from veterinarian practices, is an antidote for Pindone.


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