Queen’s Birthday Weekend Country Championships
Under 12 Girls – born 2001 and 2002
Under 14 Girls – born 2000 and 1999
Under 16 Girls – born 1998 and 1997
The third and final trial takes place Monday night the 6th of May
Stead Park (Geelong SC) – Station St Norlane
Under 12’s /Under 14’s – Registration from 5pm. Trial 5.30pm – 7pm
Under 16’s – Registration from 6.30pm. Trial 7pm – 8.30pm
Girls, if you have started your season and have enjoyed it so far then why don’t you try out for a representative squad… what have you got to lose? Fun weekend away guaranteed.
Further details go to: https://websites.mygameday.app/club_info.cgi?c=1-8679-132747-0-0&sID=275439
Or email: geelonggalaxy@gmail.com
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