Online Registration + Game Fees: Winter 2013

The links for Online Registration & payment for Game Fees have been added to the right side of the website. There are three links:

Top: Individual Member registration and or paying individual game fees.

Middle: Senior Team Nomination: Team coordinator can enter your team into a Competition

Bottom: Senior Member registering or paying their game fees for a Team.(Senior competitions only).

Note: If you registered for a full year in September/October 2012 you do not need to register again. Only players who registered for a single season or new players have to register.

Game Fees: All players are requested to pay game fees for the season. You can do this via the same links and following the options.

This system requires payment by Credit Card. You can pay using your EFTPOS card at the Stadium.

We appreciate your support as we transition to online payment. We understand there will be teething problems but nothing that cannot be resolved.

Suncoast Clippers Board :)


Comment Guidelines: The SportsTG Network is made up of players, families and passionate sports followers like you who have a strong opinion about sport. That's great - we want you to have your say and share your thoughts with the world. However, we have a few rules that you must follow to keep it fun for all. Please don't be rude, abusive, swear or vilify others. Apart from some pretty serious sport sanctions, we also can ban you and report you if things get out of hand. So play fair and have fun, and thanks for your contribution.

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