2013 Grievance and Discipline Tribunal By-Law

The 2013 Grievance and Disciplinary Tribunal (GDT) By-Laws have been released, continuing FFV’s zero tolerance approach to anti-social behaviour and commitment to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy football in a safe and fair environment.

It is very important for all club associates to fully read and understand the GDT By Laws as they outline discipline procedures and penalties for 2013 and are in play for every match this season, including this weekend's State Knockout Cup fixtures.

Click here to view the FFV Geelong GDT By Law, as well as a summary of changes from 2012 to 2013.

Should you require any further information or to clarify anything contained within the GDT By Laws please e-mail discipline@footballfedvic.com.au


Comment Guidelines: The SportsTG Network is made up of players, families and passionate sports followers like you who have a strong opinion about sport. That's great - we want you to have your say and share your thoughts with the world. However, we have a few rules that you must follow to keep it fun for all. Please don't be rude, abusive, swear or vilify others. Apart from some pretty serious sport sanctions, we also can ban you and report you if things get out of hand. So play fair and have fun, and thanks for your contribution.

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