Target 1000 Aims to Increase Female Coaching Numbers
Due to the continued support of the Victorian Government, Football Federation Victoria is pleased to offer FREE registration in coach education courses for the first 200 females.
Please note each applicant must complete a FREE Australian Sports Commission online general principles coaching course and have the appropriate prerequisite accreditation for a Licence course to be considered for this initiative.
This initiative is designed to assist aspiring and female coaches to become or remain actively involved in the local Football community.
Courses arranged through this initiative may be either FEMALE ONLY or both female and male dependant on the preference of the participants. All courses will be conducted before 31 May 2013 at convenient locations throughout the state.
To register, coaches must complete and return THIS FORM to Community Coach Education Manager Julie Anderson by email:; by fax on 03 9474 1899; or post to PO Box 7488, St Kilda Road, VIC 8004.
For more information please contact Julie on 03 9474 1814.
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